Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Vibration and Condition Monitoring in Modern Times


Vibration and condition monitoring in modern times is a complicated topic, especially when you bring vibration and Allen Bradley into the mix.

Condition monitoring systems detect machine damage in good times and prevent terrible disasters in bad. 

An unscheduled stop or fault in the machinery can derail your production schedule.  Condition monitoring is a consequential solution.  Handy little sensors and systems give all the information a supervisor or foreman needs to make smart business decisions.

If the machine has a marked change in temperature, vibration, relative humidity, pressure, or anything along those lines, you’ll be thankful that you have implemented a system that incorporates condition monitoring into the operations plan.

Facilities have the same goal: get the most out of rotating equipment.  It isn’t just about monitoring; it’s about planning.  These machines often signal to you, before you realize, that they are going to need some help or to be replaced.

If you’re looking into vibration and Allen Bradley, then know this: maximizing your rotating equipment performance can lower the total cost of business.

Using vibration and condition monitoring in this day and age isn’t a luxury choice; it’s a necessity.  There are many parts to manage – schedules, manpower, plans for repairs.  You can take something off your plate with computerized (digital) vibration and condition monitoring. 

If you are looking for systems and solutions, STI Vibration Monitoring is perhaps the way to go.  You have found the name you need in STI.  They understand every business’ unique industrial and manufacturing demands. 

Learn more: www.stiweb.com

Measuring Bearing Vibration of Supreme Importance


It is important to understand the role of monitoring and measuring bearing vibration.  The blog ends with a recommendation for a company that offers equipment to do the job: STI.

If you are an owner of a company that deals with machinery, assembly lines, and factories, you know that a wonky machine can pull the plug on the whole business.  Measuring vibration is the way to avoid a shutdown. 

Several technologies are used to measure and diagnose machine health, but most of them revolve around two methods.

  • Vibration Testing
  • Infrared Thermography

Regular machine analysis provides many benefits.

  • Reduced equipment costs come first.  Measuring bearing vibration can help avoid major problems.  At the first sign of a funny vibration, high temperature, or funny amount of pressure, the machine monitoring device notifies the foreman of an issue.
  • Reduce labor costs.  If you currently have people walking around with clipboards measuring the vibrations using large rack-based systems, be ready to save a lot of money with reduced labor costs.
  • You’ll be making more money with increased input and decreased breakdowns.  That’s revenue for the bank!
  • Peace of minds.  If you wake up in a cold sweat wondering how the factory machines are doing, now you’ll be able to sleep better at night knowing they are in good hands.

After looking at these benefits, who can deny that measuring machine vibration and bearing vibration aren’t of supreme importance?

Recommended contact for machine vibration:  www.stiweb.com.


Powerful Vibration Sensors and Vibrating Motors

People often wonder how vibration sensors work.  They are a sophisticated piece of technology indeed.

There are some topics that must be noted when discussing vibrating motors.  For example, if the motor vibrates erratically, it’s headed toward a breakdown.  This means that motor vibrations are a predictor of machine health.

You might be thinking of machines that vibrate a lot when in operation: washing machines, generators, and car engines. 

There are many more industrial uses for machine vibration analysis as well.  In fact, many modern pieces of machinery include a vibration sensor on the schematics.

Here are some general machine tips:

1)      Make sure you prioritize regular cleanings.

2)      Remove excessive layers of dust from the machinery.

3)      Inspect seams, leaks, and fixed bolts.  Make sure it’s not coming undone.

4)      Analyze the vibration.  Is it normal or atypical? 

Stop a motor that operates abnormally.  Letting it run is causing more damage.  To avoid downtimes due to lost machines, you need to use automatic vibration analysis tools. 

Other advice is to check seals and grease levels.  You know how to take care of your machines; now, you can let a vibration analysis machine take care of you!

Learn more: www.stiweb.com.