Sunday, 15 November 2020

Lions and Tigers, Hansford Sensors, and Bearing Vibrations! Oh my!


Follow the yellow brick road all the way to a company that can help you lock down these hard-to-find products:  Hansford sensors and bearing vibration sensors.

People may be wondering how to buy vibration sensors for their machines.  Here comes your guide.

Vibration is an important aspect in machines, whether you realize it or not.  Those machines move, and they are built to move in certain ways.  If their movement changes, something is amiss. You need to figure out what, why, when, and how.  To make that job a little easier, you might rely on something called a Hansford Sensor or a bearing vibration sensor.

Here's how to find a reliable company for such products…

Buy products only from respected companies:

You can’t save a few bucks on this one, people.  You can’t buy sensors from any old company.  You need to find a company that you can trust, one that is reliable, one like STI Vibration Monitoring Inc.

Consider your own requirements:

What type of vibration equipment are we talking here?  What kind of machine do you use?  What do you need to measure? Vibration?  Temperature? Sound?  All of these attributes can tell you about the health of a machine, so you should look into this.

Warranty and service:

Generally, the warranty on such products can range from one to ten years. For this reason, you should be sure about the warranty before locking down any orders.

Buying these parts can pose a challenge, but not if you have a reliable vendor on your side!

Follow, follow, follow: 

And remember, the power to make this decision was inside you all along!

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