Tuesday 1 June 2021

Measuring Vibration Can Save Lives and Money

This blog is about the benefits of measuring vibration (or condition vibration) and the benefits doing so offers. The key is to avoid risk.

Vibration monitoring is helpful because it allows a manager or supervisor to pinpoint faults on the floor, often before they occur, as they relate to machinery and assembly lines.

The faults can be observed in different ways. For example, rotation speed could tell the foreman how much vibration is happening and if it’s within the normal or acceptable ranger.

Measuring vibration, in such a case, provides many benefits. If the machine is sick, or going to break down, the vibration patterns could change. The temperature or sound may suddenly differ.

If the machine shuts down, the line ends. If the machine explodes, lives could end.

This is why it’s so important to measure vibration.

Condition monitoring refers to the techniques available to measure vibrations and beyond. You can look at the data to see if a machine is doing well. If it is, no worries. If the machine’s been acting wonky, you might need to learn more about why. Then, repair it.

Doing so saves money and possibly lives.

Finding problems on the line can save you a lot of money. By avoiding production and scheduling problems, you can ensure your business earns more money. You might be able to avoid expenses related to repair, over time, and lost time.

Better yet, you won’t find it likely that a fan blade comes flying off a machine injuring somebody.

Covering risk is key, and that’s what it’s all about, folks!

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